NEWS 4 Kids - Positively powered by Google and Social Media Feeds.
Follow Us on Instagram - Social Media feed - On this Day and 12 months and 52 weeks of events
STARS★News is positive News for Kids showcasing the Who, What, When, Where and Why stories on this day over 365 days in a year.
★ Who? focuses on Birthdays and RIP days of STARS in the community. The 6 STARS represent the different age groups - Tots, Kids, Teens, Adults, Keens and S/Needs.
★ What? focuses on 6 Key Learning Areas - Creative Arts, Mathemetics, PDHPE, HSIE, Science Technology, and English - complementing the Primary School syllabus.
★ When? focuses on the key dates - 12 months of the year broken into 365 days and linking with Zodiac Stars Signs. National and World days and current events.
★ Where? On Earth and the Universe. Google Maps locates different locations and the key points of interest . Each country is representad by their Flag and colours.