Our ArtsSTAR leader is Lara Van de Wall - owner of artmaker.com sharing the passion of art creation with kids.
Our ArtsStar leader is Jean Kropper- owner of PaperAndPixel.com.au giving kids skills to tell their own stories.Â
specialising in Cartooning robots, monsters, cartoon characters and creativity with paper.
Animation created by Amanda Chin - https://hungchin-art.com/
 Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.Â
There are many colours that can be used to paint with such as orange, green, red, yellow, blue, purple, pink, brown, grey, black and white. Presented by Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, 3D Form, Ceremic, Fibre, Photography and Digital.
Toon Template like a story Board
Students design and colour their own story
Computer generated Toon
Animated Toon
BASIC SHAPES Lesson Plan and extension sessions
Learn to draw repeatable forms
1. Use a standard series of shapes to construct standard repeatable cartoon animals or Star cartoons.
Rabbit, Worm, Chicken, dog - Star in different sports
Create these stylised forms and you will learn how to put these shape elements together to create your animal
Once we have learned to create these repeatable forms we have the opportunity to draw them in a variety of settings and situations. Â
2. Draw your animal in 3 locations.  A beach scene, A city scene and a free choice location
Remember this character needs to be repeatable as your goal later on is to create a cartoon with your character as the star.
What are his/her characteristics? Big eyes, big nose, big muscles, large head, small glasses etc
Does your character have any super powers - if so how can you show these ? Spider man web etc
Where does he/she live? In the clouds, in a cave etc
Whats your characters big dream or quest ? e.g. save the world
Your character now springs to live and you can begin to tell stories. You will make your own cartoon strip. Some of the best cartoons are made up of only 5 or 6 squares or drawings but they manage to tell a story, or get a laugh, or teach us a lesson. Could your cartoon tell its message to someone who doesnât speak english just through its drawing alone? Â
Did you know that before modern animation as we know on TV cartoons were often made up of many cards with tiny changes on each card that when stacked together created a sense of movement. Â
Cut 12 equal sized sheets of small card around the size of a business card and draw your image 12 times with the tiniest changes. For example we could take the rabbit form from lesson 1 and get it to move its arm towards its mouth and eat a carrot.
Using Open source learning animation tools on a computer explore how your characters life, quest and stories can become a basic computer animationÂ
Follow the story board and place into a video with a script and theme.
Creative ArtsÂ
The STARS curriculum and current child development research emphasises the PROCESS of creating art. This means that children should be encouraged to explore and experiment with a variety of art mediums without being made to feel that they should complete a specific project that looks a certain way.Â
The STARS curriculum complements the NSW Board of Studies Visual Arts Syllabus however the difference lies in how art is presented. Most of the artistic activities are done through arts integration; combining art with subjects of study in order to learn the material.
In our classrooms art materials are kept in an art area and the children have access to it at all times. In a more mainstream setting, art materials may be out only at certain times and/or their use may be more directed by the adults than by the children themselves. This applies to pre-primary and primary school.
Pre Primary : Cycle 1 (3-6 years)
Just as with any other activity in the 3-6 class, each art activity is kept complete and ready for use. There is a variety of art materials available to them at all times. The instructor will carefully present to the child how the material is used, for example clay, then whenever the child is inspired, they can begin an artistic creation. Art appreciation and history is also introduced at this young stage. Reproductions of great masterpieces inspire an appreciation of beauty at any age. There are pictures of great works as prints, cards, or in books at the child's eye level and the instructor may invite children to discuss or draw what they observe in a famous work.
Primary years : Cycle 2-3 (6-12 years)
Creative artwork bridges many subject areas in primary school. When a child learns by combining academics and the arts the whole understanding of lifeâand development of the brainâmakes a giant leap. Students frequently do projects generated from topics of interest. They research, gather information and create various forms of artwork to support their learning. They would then normally present their project to the class group. The artwork perfectly unites the action of the mind (knowledge) and work of the hand (or body). There are no limits to avenues of creativity.
Study of different art media & elements
In delivering the curriculum, the instructors present lessons to the children on the elements of art (line, colour, shape, texture), the principles of art (proportion, balance, scale etc) and the different media that can be used, including audio and video. In recent years, several of the graduating student have chosen to do their major projects using these modern technologies with great effect and skill.
Art appreciation
Supporting the study of art elements is the appreciation of art history, modern art and great masterpieces. Examples of various work are used to compare, contrast and observe what may be evident or felt by looking at the art work. Great discussion usually takes place and inspires the children to experiment with their own work. Regular visits to art galleries or other creative arts events are a great addition to the curriculum.Â
Experience and awareness.
Kid will engage with different types of artworks including drawing, painting, sculpture and three-dimensional forms, ceramics, fibre, photography and digital works. These are referred to as âformsâ.Â
Kids develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in making artworks. They do this informed by their investigations of the world as subject matter, by their experience of using expressive forms, and with consideration of the audience for their works.Â
Kids also develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in appreciating their own work and that of others. They do this by recognising some of the relationships between artists, artworks and audiences and some of the ways the world can be interpreted.Â
Kids deliver a short oral presentation about their own work or the work of others focusing on, for example, details, areas of interest and intentions.